Freshly ground pippali (indian long pepper). This small shrub grows all over the tropical forests of India. It is a fine rejuvenative to the respiratory system. Pippali’s biomedical actions include -digestive stimulant, carminative, expectorant, bronchodilator, anthelmintic, analgesic, circulatory stimulant, aphrodisiac.
Primarily used for cold, wet and mucousy conditions of the lungs. Its pungency and sweetness invigorate blood and nourish rakta. By enhancing the digestive fire in the tissues it is a rasayana to rasa and rakta as it helps to assimilate more nutrients for building the plasma and blood. Often pippali is boiled with milk for deficient lungs.
Patients taking drugs that are metabolised in the liver need to take pippali with caution.
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