Therefore, the first teaching of Ayurveda is:
Nature is Supreme
You (the Soul) have accepted a material body and are a conditioned Living Being. We might ask ‘As conditioned Souls, how do we obtain Knowledge of Life’?
The Vedas inform us of two methods, one inferior and one superior:
- The ascending process: observe, speculate, test, experiment, conclude, adjust, upgrade, change, broaden, find fault, improve and brag about what one knows.
- One on the ascending process does not consider what they ‘Do not know’, but declares ‘Now we have it!’, but time tells us, that truth has to be adjusted to continue as truth and that is why the ascending is imperfect and therefore an inferior path.

Imperfect knowledge from the ascending process is certainly always approaching truth, but never quite reaches the destination.
The Vedas suggest the descending process: accept perfect knowledge, which is timeless, changeless and sublime.
Millions of learned persons accept ancient science and therefore by the grace of antiquity possess age old wisdom.
For example, take the group of herbal medicines called Guggulu’s, a plant resin (fat). When we ask Dr Rajesh or Professor Jay Prakash Dahiya to tell us about this herbal substance, these Ayurvedic authorities will send a quote from a text written over 2000 years ago.
Among countless examples, is the Indian Gooseberry known as Amla or Amalaki fruit. For thousands of years, it was called ‘Mother’ and ‘Nurse’ of fruit. Amla was said by the ancients to possess far- reaching healing effects accredited to Prabhav (unknown attributes). Now, due to modern science, the discovery of Vitamin C by Zent Gorgy and the recent uncovering of B-glucogallin and gallic acid content has confirmed the fruit’s folklore. The clinical research surrounding Amalaki is more than astonishing.
In a sense you could say that the ‘ascending process of gaining knowledge’ has endorsed, verified and confirmed the Ayurvedic ‘descending process of wisdom’. Actually, both processes are ultimately valid, however the ascending process is a ‘long and winding road’ whereas the descending process is the ‘expressway’, as Ayurveda accepts the ancient wisdom and thus immediately benefits from that knowledge. For example, people had no need to research Amla fruit. They accepted and thus were reaping the rewards far before all the science confirmed what the Vedas already had informed them. However, now due to science, we know much more about the incredible fruit. In other words. the ascending process can be coupled with the descending process for quick success.
The Western Science is no doubt advanced, but the truth or end conclusion always seems to get knocked on, a bit like chasing the end of the rainbow. The good news is, some rare soul after millions of births, actually reach perfection by the ascending process. Just as to journey through the Milky Way takes 30,000 light years, the destination is generally far beyond us.
Most importantly, the Vedas give credit to the designer of all substances, known as the ‘Original Scientist’, the Supreme Creator. Ayurveda is a theistic science, accepting that beyond the regulation of the universe there is a regulator. Behind the design of the multi-creation, there is a designer and behind the intelligence of the workings of the material nature, there is the Supreme Intelligence.
For success for all humanity, let us incorporate the ever-seeking ascending process with the ancient, realised knowledge of the descending process, in a mood of higher consciousness that recognises a Supreme God.
That is the medical health system that every human being is seeking. The world is largely blind to this truth, so let those who have eyes for knowledge, wisdom and science carry the sleeping soul to the realms of wisdom: That in a little seed, is the giant Banyan tree of Ayurvedic Herbal Medicine.
Eumundi Medicine Man
P. O. Box 21 Kenilworth, 4574. QLD
Opening Hours: Mon – Friday 9am – 4pm
Wed-Fri 9 -5pm and Saturday 10am-2pm